Version 10 of our home products are now available! Alongside new tweaks and techniques to make our software run even faster and more efficiently, we’ve got some new features to protect your and your family even further. Mark James, ESET IT Security Specialist, takes us through the ins-and-outs of ESET Password Manager.

ESET Version 10 is out, just as you prepare to upgrade or get secured by ESET V10, allow us to give you a sneak-peek into what you enjoy. With our IT Professionals and Researchers working hard to make sure they are at the forefront of security and one step ahead of potential hackers, we are adding essential extra layers of protection.
Alongside improved performance and our award-winning virus detection rates we are introducing five new features in Version 10: Script-Based Attack Protection, Webcam Protection, Home Network Protection, ESET Secure Data and ESET Password Manager.
ESET IT Security Specialist, Mark James, informs and educates us on what ESET Password Manager is and why it is important to protect your device.
What is ESET Password Manager?
ESET Password Manager is a secure password ‘vault’ incorporated into ESET Smart Security Premium. It helps you create secure, strong, complex passwords without needing to commit them to memory or compromise how complicated they are.
You will only have to create and remember one ultra-strong ‘master’ password in order to access your password ‘vault’.
“A password manager enables you to store all your unique, complicated passwords in one central location. It will also enable you to generate complex unique passwords for each site you visit and store these as well for future use.”
What does it combat?
ESET Password Manager protects against you, essentially: It makes it simple to create complicated passwords that are unique and virtually impossible to guess. That means no more need to use simple, memorable passwords or repeat passwords on multiple websites.
“With so many websites needing logins and passwords for our day-to-day use and so much of our private data being hacked and distributed online it’s very difficult for the average user to come up with complex unique passwords for each site, with a password manager its easy, it can generate, remember and fill out the relevant log in information for you at a click of a button.”
Why is it important to protect your device?
“If you have to come up with passwords yourself you may fall into the habit of reusing your old ones or making them easy to remember, this of course is bad."
“If a website gets hacked and they manage to steal your credentials they will attempt to reuse them in other places in an attempt to gain more of your personal data, if every password is unique then knowing one does not give them an advantage.”
How it will run on your device:
Once you’ve setup ESET Password Manager with all of your online account’s details and ‘master’ password to protect them, if you visit a stored website you will be prompted to auto-fill your details from ESET Password Manager.
As you create new online accounts you can save new websites, usernames and complicated, unique passwords to your ‘vault’, meaning you’ll never repeat a password or use a weak password again.
Available exclusively with our top-tier product, ESET Smart Security Premium.