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The security review: Android banking trojan poses as Flash Player

Welcome to this week’s security review, which includes insight into a new Android banking trojan, details on a new Mac-based ransomware, the legacy of the women of ENIAC and a profile piece on Parisa Tabriz.

Android banking trojan poses as Flash Player and bypasses 2FA

ESET’s Lukas Stefanko revealed that a new Android trojan, detected as Android/Spy.Agent.SI, is targeting customers of large banks in Turkey, New Zealand and Australia. This particular trojan, he explained, is not only able to circumvent two-factor authentication, but can also impersonate Flash Player “with a legitimate looking icon”. Targeted banks include: Westpac, National Australia Bank, Bankwest, ANZ Bank, Wells Fargo, Halkbank, VakıfBank, Finansbank, Türkiye İş Bankası and Ziraat Bankası.

New Mac ransomware: KeRanger spread via BitTorrent client

ESET’s Peter Stancik discussed the emergence of a new Mac-based ransomware, which has been dubbed KeRanger. The fully functional in-the-wild malware is “spread via an infected version of an otherwise legitimate open source BitTorrent application [known as Transmission]”, he said. The malicious version, which has subsequently been removed, was available for two days (March 4th and 5th).

The women of ENIAC and the future of women in tech

In celebration of International Women’s Day, We Live Security remembered the pioneering contribution of programmers Kathleen McNulty, Frances Bilas, Betty Jean Jennings, Elizabeth Snyder, Ruth Lichterman and Marlyn Wescoff. Not only did they help create one of the world’s first ever electronic computers – the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) – they helped lay down the foundations of the digital, interconnected world we live in today.

Introducing Google’s ‘Security Princess’: Parisa Tabriz

Parisa Tabriz may not be a household name just yet, but this rising star at Google is definitely one to watch. As the tech giant’s Security Princess, she is responsible for keeping us safe from cybercriminals. We Live Security ran a profile piece on the information security expert, observing how she is the exception to the rule – women are still underrepresented in this industry. The article stated: “To fully unleash the potential of the female half of the population, efforts must be made to changes stereotypes around technology, coding and math and science in general.”

Beware spear phishers trying to hijack your phone

“A simple trick of social engineering could result in you handing over control of your website to a malicious attacker,” stated independent security analyst Graham Cluley in a revealing piece. He documented how he had recently received an email purporting to be from eNom, which, in effect, asked for the expert to visit the ‘official’ website to login and confirm his details. Spotting immediately that this was a fraud, he went on to show how little checks – and a bit of know-how – can keep you safe from such cons.

Ofcom experiences major data breach thanks to former employee

A unique case in the UK highlighted the impact of insider cyber threats. Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, revealed that it had been the victim of the biggest data breach in its history. Over a six-year period, one of its former employees had been secretly downloading information, unbeknownst to his colleagues. It only came to light after he offered the trove of data to a prospective employer (a major broadcaster). Ofcom said the incident “had been contained”.

Businesses fail to prepare as cybercrime surges globally

The latest Global Economic Crime Survey from PWC stated that cybercrime is now the second most reported economic crime. In first place is asset misappropriation. The report also showed that enterprises are still slow to bolstering their security, with only 37% of businesses having in place a cyber incident response plan. This is despite the fact that 61% of CEOs are concerned about their lack of cybersecurity.

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